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Android Code Signing

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To publish on the Play Store, you need to sign your app with a digital certificate.

Android App Bundles and APKs must be signed before being uploaded for distribution.

Google also provides an additional signing mechanism for Android App Bundles distributed in the Play Store. See the official Play App Signing documentation for more information.

Creating a keystore and upload key

Android signing requires a Java Keystore file that can be generated using the official keytool CLI:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/upload-keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload

This command stores the upload-keystore.jks file in your home directory. If you want to store it elsewhere, change the argument you pass to the -keystore parameter.

See the official documentation for more information.

Configure the signing key

Create a file named [project]/src-tauri/gen/android/ that contains a reference to your keystore:

password=<password defined when keytool was executed>
storeFile=<location of the key store file, such as /Users/<user name>/upload-keystore.jks or C:\\Users\\<user name>\\upload-keystore.jks>

You will usually generate this file in your CI/CD platform. The following snippet contains an example job step for GitHub Actions:

- name: setup Android signing
run: |
cd src-tauri/gen/android
echo "keyAlias=${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_ALIAS }}" >
echo "password=${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_PASSWORD }}" >>
base64 -d <<< "${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_BASE64 }}" > $RUNNER_TEMP/keystore.jks
echo "storeFile=$RUNNER_TEMP/keystore.jks" >>

In this example the keystore was exported to base64 with base64 -i /path/to/keystore.jks and set as the ANDROID_KEY_BASE64 secret.

Configure Gradle to use the signing key

Configure gradle to use your upload key when building your app in release mode by editing the [project]/src-tauri/gen/android/app/build.gradle.kts file.

  1. Add the needed import at the beginning of the file:

  2. Add the release signing config before the buildTypes block:

    signingConfigs {
    create("release") {
    val keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
    val keystoreProperties = Properties()
    if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
    keyAlias = keystoreProperties["keyAlias"] as String
    keyPassword = keystoreProperties["password"] as String
    storeFile = file(keystoreProperties["storeFile"] as String)
    storePassword = keystoreProperties["password"] as String
    buildTypes {
  3. Use the new release signing config in the release config in buildTypes block:

    buildTypes {
    getByName("release") {
    signingConfig = signingConfigs.getByName("release")

Release builds of your app will now be signed automatically.

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