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Manage multiple windows on a single application.

Creating a window​

A window can be created statically from the Tauri configuration file or at runtime.

Static window​

Multiple windows can be created with the configuration array. The following JSON snippet demonstrates how to statically create several windows through the config:

"tauri": {
"windows": [
"label": "external",
"title": "Tauri Docs",
"url": ""
"label": "local",
"title": "Tauri",
"url": "index.html"

Note that the window label must be unique and can be used at runtime to access the window instance. The complete list of configuration options available for static windows can be found in the WindowConfig documentation.

Runtime window​

You can also create windows at runtime either via the Rust layer or through the Tauri API.

Create a window in Rust​

A window can be created at runtime using the WindowBuilder struct.

To create a window, you must have an instance of the running App or an AppHandle.

Create a window using the App instance​

The App instance can be obtained in the setup hook or after a call to Builder::build.

.setup(|app| {
let docs_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(
"external", /* the unique window label */
let local_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(
.expect("error while running app");

Using the setup hook ensures static windows and Tauri plugins are initialized. Alternatively, you can create a window after building the App:

let app = tauri::Builder::default()
.expect("error while building tauri application");

let docs_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(
"external", /* the unique window label */
).build().expect("failed to build window");

let local_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(

// This will start the app and no other code below this will run.|_, _| {});

This method is useful when you cannot move ownership of values to the setup closure.

Create a window using an AppHandle instance​

An AppHandle instance can be obtained using the [App::handle] function or directly injected in Tauri commands.

.setup(|app| {
let handle = app.handle();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let local_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(
async fn open_docs(handle: tauri::AppHandle) {
let docs_window = tauri::WindowBuilder::new(
"external", /* the unique window label */

When creating windows in a Tauri command, ensure the command function is async to avoid a deadlock on Windows due to the wry#583 issue.

Create a window in JavaScript​

Using the Tauri API you can easily create a window at runtime by importing the WebviewWindow class.

import { WebviewWindow } from '@tauri-apps/api/window'
const webview = new WebviewWindow('theUniqueLabel', {
url: 'path/to/page.html',
// since the webview window is created asynchronously,
// Tauri emits the `tauri://created` and `tauri://error` to notify you of the creation response
webview.once('tauri://created', function () {
// webview window successfully created
webview.once('tauri://error', function (e) {
// an error occurred during webview window creation

Creating additional HTML pages​

If you want to create additional pages beyond index.html, you will need to make sure they are present in the dist directory at build time. How you do this depends on your frontend setup. If you use Vite, create an additional input for the second HTML page in vite.config.js.

Accessing a window at runtime​

The window instance can be queried using its label and the get_window method on Rust or WebviewWindow.getByLabel on JavaScript.

use tauri::Manager;
.setup(|app| {
let main_window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();

Note that you must import tauri::Manager to use the get_window method on App or AppHandle instances.

import { WebviewWindow } from '@tauri-apps/api/window'
const mainWindow = WebviewWindow.getByLabel('main')

Communicating with other windows​

Window communication can be done using the event system. See the Event Guide for more information.