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Cross-Platform Compilation

Tauri relies heavily on native libraries and toolchains, so meaningful cross-compilation is not possible at the current moment. The next best option is to compile utilizing a CI/CD pipeline hosted on something like GitHub Actions, Azure Pipelines, GitLab, or other options. The pipeline can run the compilation for each platform simultaneously making the compilation and release process much easier.

For an easy setup, we currently provide Tauri Action, a GitHub Action that runs on all the supported platforms, compiles your software, generates the necessary artifacts, and uploads them to a new GitHub release.

Tauri GitHub Action​

Tauri Action leverages GitHub Actions to simultaneously build your application as a Tauri native binary for macOS, Linux, and Windows, and automates creating a GitHub release.

This GitHub Action may also be used as a testing pipeline for your Tauri app, guaranteeing compilation runs fine on all platforms for each pull request sent, even if you don't wish to create a new release.

Code Signing

To setup code signing for both Windows and macOS on your workflow, follow the specific guide for each platform:

Per Iniziare​

To set up Tauri Action you must first set up a GitHub repository. You can use this action on a repo that doesn't have Tauri configured since it automatically initializes Tauri before building and configuring it to use your artifacts.

Go to the Actions tab on your GitHub project and choose "New workflow", then choose "Set up a workflow yourself". Replace the file with the Tauri Action production build workflow example. Alternatively, you may set up the workflow based on the example at the bottom of this page


You can configure Tauri with the configPath, distPath and iconPath options. See the actions Readme for details.

When your app isn't on the root of the repo, use the projectPath input.

You may modify the workflow name, change the triggers, and add more steps such as npm run lint or npm run test. The important part is that you keep the below line at the end of the workflow, since this runs the build script and releases the artifacts:

- uses: tauri-apps/tauri-action@v0

How to Trigger​

The release workflow in the README examples linked above is triggered by pushes on the "release" branch. The action automatically creates a tag and title for the GitHub release using the application version specified in tauri.config.json.

You can also trigger the workflow on the push of a version tag such as "app-v0.7.0". For this you can change the start of the release workflow:

name: publish
- 'app-v*'

Example Workflow​

Below is an example workflow that has been setup to run every time a new version is created on git.

This workflow sets up the environment on Windows, Ubuntu, and macOS latest versions. Note under jobs.release.strategy.matrix the platform array which contains macos-latest, ubuntu-20.04, and windows-latest.

The steps this workflow takes are:

  1. Checkout the repository using actions/checkout@v3
  2. Set up Node LTS and a cache for global npm/yarn/pnpm package data using actions/setup-node@v3.
  3. Set up Rust and a cache for the target/ folder using dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable and swatinem/rust-cache@v2.
  4. Installs all the dependencies and run the build script (for the web app).
  5. Finally, it uses tauri-apps/tauri-action@v0 to run tauri build, generate the artifacts, and create the GitHub release.
name: Release
- 'v*'

contents: write
fail-fast: false
platform: [macos-latest, ubuntu-20.04, windows-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}

- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: Install dependencies (ubuntu only)
if: matrix.platform == 'ubuntu-20.04'
# You can remove libayatana-appindicator3-dev if you don't use the system tray feature.
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk-3-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev librsvg2-dev

- name: Rust setup
uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable

- name: Rust cache
uses: swatinem/rust-cache@v2
workspaces: './src-tauri -> target'

- name: Sync node version and setup cache
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 'lts/*'
cache: 'yarn' # Set this to npm, yarn or pnpm.

- name: Install frontend dependencies
# If you don't have `beforeBuildCommand` configured you may want to build your frontend here too.
run: yarn install # Change this to npm, yarn or pnpm.

- name: Build the app
uses: tauri-apps/tauri-action@v0

tagName: ${{ github.ref_name }} # This only works if your workflow triggers on new tags.
releaseName: 'App Name v__VERSION__' # tauri-action replaces \_\_VERSION\_\_ with the app version.
releaseBody: 'See the assets to download and install this version.'
releaseDraft: true
prerelease: false

GitHub Environment Token​

The GitHub Token is automatically issued by GitHub for each workflow run without further configuration, which means there is no risk of secret leakage. This token however only has read permissions by default and you may get a "Resource not accessible by integration" error when running the workflow. If this happens, you may need to add write permissions to this token. To do this go to your GitHub Project Settings, and then select Actions, scroll down to "Workflow permissions" and check "Read and write permissions".

You can see the GitHub Token being passed to the workflow below:


Usage Notes​

Make sure to check the documentation for GitHub Actions to understand better how this workflow works. Take care to read the Usage limits, billing, and administration documentation for GitHub Actions. Some project templates may already implement this GitHub action workflow, such as tauri-svelte-template. You can use this action on a repo that doesn't have Tauri configured. Tauri automatically initializes before building and configuring it to use your web artifacts.

Experimental: Build Windows apps on Linux and macOS​

Tauri v1.3 added a new Windows installer type based on the NSIS installer framework. In contrast to WiX, NSIS itself can also work on Linux and macOS which makes it possible to build many Tauri apps on non-Windows hosts. Note that this is currently considered highly experimental and may not work on every system or for every project. Therefore it should only be used as a last resort if local VMs or CI solutions like GitHub Actions don't work for you.

Since Tauri officially only supports the MSVC Windows target, the setup is a bit more involved.

First, make sure all your Tauri dependencies are at least version 1.3, check out the dependency update guide if you're not sure how.

Install NSIS​

Some Linux distributions have NSIS available in their repositories, for example on Ubuntu you can install NSIS by running this command:

sudo apt install nsis

But on many other distributions you have to compile NSIS yourself or download Stubs and Plugins manually that weren't included in the distro's binary package. Fedora for example only provides the binary but not the Stubs and Plugins:

sudo dnf in mingw64-nsis
sudo cp nsis-3.08/Stubs/* /usr/share/nsis/Stubs/
sudo cp -r nsis-3.08/Plugins/** /usr/share/nsis/Plugins/

On macOS you will need Homebrew to install NSIS:

brew install nsis

Install LLVM and the LLD Linker​

Since the default Microsoft linker only works on Windows we will also need to install a new linker. To compile the Windows Resource file which is used for setting the app icon among other things we will also need the llvm-rc binary which is part of the LLVM project.

sudo apt install lld llvm
brew install llvm

On macOS you also have to add /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin to your $PATH as suggested in the install output.

Install the Windows Rust target​

Assuming you're building for 64-bit Windows systems:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

Install the Windows SDKs​

To get the Windows SDKs required by the msvc target we will use the xwin project:

cargo install xwin

Then you can use the xwin CLI to install the needed files to a location of your choice. Remember the location, we will need it in the next step. In this guide we will create a .xwin directory in the Home directory.

xwin splat --output ~/.xwin

If that fails with an error message like this:

Error: failed to splat Microsoft.VC.

Caused by:
0: unable to symlink from .xwin/crt/lib/x86_64/LIBCMT.lib to libcmt.lib
1: File exists (os error 17)

you can try adding the --disable-symlinks flag to the command:

xwin splat --output ~/.xwin --disable-symlinks

Now, to make the Rust compiler use these files, you first have to create a .cargo directory in your project and create a config.toml file in it with the following content. Make sure to change the paths accordingly.

linker = "lld"
rustflags = [

Keep in mind that this file is specific to your machine so we don't recommend checking it into git if your project is public or will be shared with anyone.

Building the App​

Now it should be as simple as adding the target to the tauri build command:

npm run tauri build -- --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

The build output will then be in target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/release/bundle/nsis/.